Tuesday 18 October 2011


This past week and weekend was one hectic one but we had thankfully survived and that is what is important. Mandy, Caroline, Sabrina and I had nights at the Rose and Shamrock, 7de Laan Karaoke, German Club Expo, Rockland’s, Area 51, and Montana. We had concluded that the number of days in a week should be increased because there are too little for us. Most of these nights well all of them included alcohol and friends whom for the next week I won’t be seeing because of the fact that antibiotics and alcohol do not mix!
During this week I had my first beer at the German Club Expo which was in Port Elizabeth. We had missed the Expo itself but we had to stay for a few drinks because we had not come here for nothing, right? At the end of the night we had ended up driving circles around the Rose and Shamrock and had hooted all the people outside just for the fun of it.
We had become regulars at the 7de Laan Karaoke nights, which are presented by the one and only, Angel. He is known for his famous chicken dance and wood eye. In addition to the laughs intended for Angel, the Leeuloop song will never be the same thanks to another friend of ours, Ned who had given us our own strip show.
One of the nights was spent at Montana Restaurant and bar. There isn’t much that I could say about this night because after my few shots of Stroh Rum, I had suffered from memory loss. I had woken up the next morning with my hand in a packet of Salt and Vinegar Simba Chips and a head ache to add.
Me and my awesome friends who has made my past week the best one to remember had even gotten lost in Rockland’s. We had listened to our dear Caroline and took the wrong turn. We had decided to give up driving after our alcohol had finished and then decided to party in the middle of the road which was in the middle of nowhere. We had tried to turn back after an hour of sitting in the road but it had taken us another hour to just get back into Uitenhage and to decide where to next.
This past week was spent with many old and new friends, South African barbeques, and alcohol but what I have realized is that I have the best of friends that no one can take away from me even if they wanted to but thank you guys for the good times and then other times when we want to kill eachother. They have been the best. I truly love you all.

Monday 10 October 2011


This week coming I am on an alcohol detox thanks to my four days of continuous drinking. Yes I had celebrated my birthday properly. I am not proud to say that I was drunk for four nights in a row, but it is your birthday only once a year and it was my last year of turning a teenager. I had even attempted to work in my drunken state and yes it was all thanks to my beloved friends.
So let us start at the beginning, Thursday night was full of birthday sweet and sour concoctions for example the worst one was a mixture of Libido, Omeca Gold, Russian Bear Vodka, and Caramel LA Vodka. My throat felt like sand paper after I got this mixture down. My night had ended well with myself crawling in to bed after 1am. For once, I couldn’t blame Mandy, Caroline or Sabrina but rather two of my other friends who had spoilt me a bit, Daniel and Scott.
Friday night on the other hand was not planned at all. Well let me rephrase that, I didn’t plan to have so many Tequilas. This night reminded me of the old times when Mandy, Caroline, Sabrina and I would spontaneously decide to have one drink which ends up being about 10. The four of us were having our normal fun while laughing at each other and deciding who was the drunkest among us. This competition was won by Mandy, hands down. Mandy wouldn’t remember much because she was more interested on the laser lights and smoke machine. After a while Caroline and Mandy had decided to go home, but Sabrina and I were on a roll again. The two of us were sipping our alcohol through a straw while our heads were banging like Sabrina kept telling me the whole night. I woke up Saturday morning with the shouts of Springbok fans and a Savannah bottle next to me while Mandy had an Oreo in hers.
Saturday was one long head aching day for us all. Saturday night though I was accompanied by Mandy, Daniel, Etienne and a close friend of mine Timothy. He was asked by my dear mother herself to look after me which I must say he did, especially when he, Mandy and Daniel dragged me out of a car window to have more shooters. The night was filled with alcohol over my new boots thanks to Etienne, ridiculous photographs thanks to myself, dancing thanks to complete strangers and shooters thanks to people who thought they knew me and who can’t forget the proposals I got from married men which was just disgusting. Uitenhage is one hectic town which will never change.
Which is the reason why Mandy and I had gone to Despatch on Sunday morning at 9am. I must just inform you all that when she had fetched me I had just gotten 3 hours of sleep which meant that I was still under the influence and the 2 bottles of red wine didn’t help much either. We had spent our day watching baseball, which was very entertaining. Yes, I never knew that Despatch had a baseball club either.
This weekend was one to remember, thank you to those that spent it with me. I really appreciate it.