Monday 29 August 2011


As most of you all know the Eastern Cape was recognized two weekends ago, all thanks to the final match between South Africa and New Zealand that was held in Port Elizabeth at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium. Mandy, Sabrina and I never get an opportunity like this very often, so me and my good friends whom I introduced to you all in my previous blog used this occasion as an excuse to have a good time. I do know I speak under correction because of the fact that we never need a reason to enjoy ourselves. ;)
I would like to say beforehand that our dear friend Caroline had decided not to join us this week at all. In fact we have not heard or seen her for the past week. We have sent out a search for her but have not yet found her. We are concerned but I should inform you that this does happen occasionally.
Back to our eventful night, I do need to say that Mandy was the lucky one between us all that got the chance to meet the famous and of cause sexy All Blacks. She was the team’s hostess while they stayed at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Port Elizabeth. She had become so close with the players that she had even wore black and white on the night of the match, but Mandy had decided to turn to tequila when the Springboks showed the All Blacks who was boss. On the other hand, myself and Sabrina were behind our country hundred percent. I had decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and showed up to our local bar wearing my green and gold jersey, which ended up being covered with whisky for some mysterious reason and needed a good wash the next morning. None the less, the evening had been filled with free drinks and shooters which brought a free hangover the next morning too.
Every night in Uitenhage has its own surprises and this night in particular myself and Sabrina had never thought we would be walking at 23:00 around the block. Yes, you had read correctly. This incident started out with a small argument between Mandy and Sabrina in our famous red wheels. I have no idea to this day what the argument was about because I was busy taking unforgettable photographs of the stars. Sabrina and I thought that we were simply changing our venue for the night, but Mandy had not been thinking the same. All of a sudden Mandy had road off and left Sabrina and I in Alwyn Drive in the Fairbridge Heights area. She had not returned but before you all get worried, it was not long after our walk around the block and millions of photographs of the dark road that one of our mutual friends had come to save me and Sabrina.
Mandy was reminded the next morning about the argument but she had no idea concerning her leaving us stranded in Alwyn Drive. In her defense I would like to make it knowledge to everyone that she was meant to be at work in less than five hours when she had forsaken the two of us. So we all have forgiven and forgotten but this incident will be one to tell our grandchildren about one day.
Thanks to everyone that made this night one to remember. We got next weekend to do it again,where we will be visiting the Brandwag Highschool Reunion 2001, but please this time can I not wake up with blood behind my ear. :)
So chat soon again…

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