Monday 22 August 2011


I would like to start by introducing my characters that will be helping me in the next few weeks with the ventures that I will be sharing with you weekly. I hope that you will enjoy all the funny and scary incidents that happen to me and a few friends on a daily basis.
When I sat down to think about what I was going to share with you all, I considered what I love doing in my spare time and what I came to realize is that in between my university assignments and my friends I do not really have much free time. I’m sure everyone would agree with me if I say that people do not want to hear about my problems about when assignments were to be handed in and when I had tutorial homework to complete. So I decided to share with you my awesome friends who believe in having fun in the weirdest situations. I know that is cliché to say that my friends are awesome but they are individuals who most of the times bring out the best of me.
What I do think I should mention to you all for those who do not know is the fact that I reside in the small town called Uitenhage, which for those that do not know is about thirty minutes outside of Port Elizabeth.  A few other locations that I will be referring to are Despatch, which we as a circle of friends visit a few times a week and the famous Port Elizabeth which we visit often even if it is only to use MacDonald’s bathroom.
So before I can start sharing with you all the crazy things we get up to in this crazy small town and the neighboring towns too, I will need to introduce you to my friends that I will be referring to every week. Firstly, there is Mandy. She is the owner of ‘The Red Wheels’ which she had recently gotten after a dear friend of hers wrote her previous vehicle off. She is famous for introducing the ‘Engen Savoury Tart’ to our circle of friends. Those that have not tried them please do yourself a favour and go purchase one the next time that you have over indulged on alcohol, it helps believe me. Mandy might be known for falling down stairs  in heels in the early hours of the morning, but she is a friend that you can call the next day after waking up in an unknown house and know that she will be there to fetch you on one condition  of joining her for a Spur Breakfast.
Next we have Caroline, what is in important is her family history because she has a cousin named Coco, who visits us only when we have had too much to drink, that is enough said. Caroline suffers from diabetes and that is why she needs to be taken home first before anyone. (LIE) She is just terrified of being left alone with a driver in a vehicle and I am sure that she will never overcome that fear. Oh, and Caroline thinks that every conversation or argument is an intervention.  I do not think she knows the definition of the word intervention. Caroline does not like people or just maybe she does not like me to intrude in her personal space. She is in love with food and is never embarrassed about letting us know when it is time to give birth to a baby dinosaur in the bathroom (number 2). Caroline is a person that will give you advice about any situation and that is why we all run to her with our problems which is mostly about guys.
Lastly we got Sabrina who is known for speaking English perfectly whenever there has been too much alcohol involved. In addition to the delicious English there is her famous bouncing hand which is in the air every time a catchy tune plays. Sabrina is a very honest person but sometimes her honesty can be harming.  She loves spending her money on new clothing but loves her tights. She is slightly unsure about decisions that need to be made in her life and some of these decisions consist of whether to attend lectures or not. Sabrina is adventurous and is up for anything and that is why we love her so much because these adventures and moments of impulsive decisions are where most of our best memories as a group are made.
Now that you all have gotten to know something unique about each of my closest friends, us four crazy people are going to be circling Uitenhage, Despatch and Port Elizabeth to see where we can make new memories. I invite you follow this blog to find out how we spend our nights and occasionally early mornings wisely. 
Thank you...Until we meet again...

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