Monday 5 September 2011


What do you get when you mix a huge consumption of alcohol, Afrikaans music, and crazy friends? A good time of cause! That is exactly what this we experienced this past weekend.
For this edition of my blog I need to introduce two male friends of mine who had joined Mandy, Sabrina and me on our hectic night. Sadly, Caroline had not joined us again this weekend because of the fact that she got stranded in Cape Town and has no way back to Uitenhage for some reason, but we expect her to be back in action this week coming. Anyway back to the friends that I want you to meet, their names are Mitch and Darryl. They were initially Mandy’s friends but over some time they have become mutual friends with us all, Mitch and Darryl are seriously just the male versions of Sabrina and Mandy. There are so many similarities between them it’s often scary.
It had been Darryl’s birthday so all five of us decided to party together to celebrate his birthday by crashing the Brandwag high school 2001 reunion.For the first time Mandy had not done anything embarrassing which normally never happens, but I can’t say the same for me and Sabrina. We had consumed so many Ponchos and Tequila which was poured halfway (meaning that we shared most of them amongst us) that I can’t understand how we had survived the night. If I remember correctly Sabrina and I had organized ourselves our own dancing partners for the night. Her dance partner was an old business economics teacher of hers while she was in high school. The only difference with me was that I didn’t know my dancing partner until the next morning when Darryl had told me what his name was. We had only realized the intensity of our drunkenness the minute we got into the famous red wheels because none of us can remember what had happened the rest of the night.
The next day was full of surprises for example we had found R110 under the car seat and another R50 in the ashtray which got missing the night before.  It was so comical for us all because Sabrina and I were positive that Mandy used all the money that was left after she had dropped Sabrina and me at home but in fact she had not. That did not mean she had not gone out after though, because the next morning she got reminded by a video that was taken that she was singing karaoke to the Parlotones song Push me to the Floor at a local pub in Uitenhage.  If it wasn’t for the video she admits that she wouldn’t have known that she was there at all. So in fact Mandy had her embarrassing incident for the night, just when Sabrina and I weren’t there that’s all.
Stay tuned for next week’s edition. We going to Foxy Roxy Club and O’brians pub which is the most common places in Uitenhage but it can only be fun.

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