Monday 19 September 2011


This weekend brought way too much liver damage than as planned thanks to Hot Sex, Apple Sours, Poison Dwarfs, and Yollie Surprises. Please the Hot Sex is a liqueur for those that don’t know I was not referring to real sex, don’t get me wrong.
Well, Friday night was spent at Montana Hawaiian Cocktail Party and it wasn’t too bad considering the whole of Uitenhage being squashed into one building. Mandy and Caroline had joined me after I had way too many shooters. Sabrina had joined the three of us after her night shift but had not joined us for long. In fact she is becoming the one between us all that is diligent in her work, studies and her boyfriend.
Our venue had changed when I had left my date at Montana just to join my friends. Two friends that had joined us that you might not know are Riaan and Etienne. The two of them, Mandy, Caroline and I had drink after drink and most of the conversation can’t be remembered but none of us could figure out if we were either Arthur or Martha. Soon it was just me, Mandy and Caroline including a whole lot of old people and okay there were a few cute young guys. At the end of the night my feet were full of cuts and pains after my episode on the dance floor in heels which I never wear a lot. Mandy is the one that wears the heels to show she can sometimes be a lady. ;)
On the other hand Saturday was full of cream soda and Panado’s just to get rid of our headaches which we all suffered from the next morning. I was given a wakeup call though when Etienne asked for an apology for what happened the previous night. For some reason I was thinking of all the possibilities of what could have happened, but he was just excusing himself for the kiss he gave me on my head. So I was relieved that for once I behaved myself which normally doesn’t happen.
Saturday night however was spent without my partners in crime. We had all done our own thing for the night. Mandy was spending her night in Darryl’s company. Sabrina was with Etienne and her boyfriend. Caroline was down town with her friends and family until five the next morning. I on the other hand had decided to go to Despatch to a collogue of mine Yvonne. What a night! We had nine liters of wine between about three of us and the night had involved way too many photographs. Photographs taken with birds, flowers, pool sticks and we can’t forget the famous heart.
The next morning though my mouth was full of sweets for some reason that must have cost five cents because they were so disgusting. Instead Sabrina and Mandy had shooters in their mouths while watching our sexy Springboks in New Zealand, 9 o clock in the morning may I add.
I don’t remember much about our weekends I do apologize but this weekend is going to be more hectic than before because of the fact that it is my birthday party, which is going to be my last as a teen.
So join us.

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