Monday 12 September 2011


Our weekend adventure started off with laughs when Mandy, Sabrina and I went to go support the Guido’s Restaurant staff, who decided to come dressed up for Spring Day. They came to work for the night in pajamas, gowns and slippers. It was hilarious to see grown men in their mommy’s pink silk dresses and tight fitting tops.
After the laughs, I had consumed again too many doubles by myself because wait for it, Mandy and Sabrina was on a diet and could not let their lips touch alcohol. It wasn’t too long before they had turned to whiskey and water because they couldn't help themselves. That night we were all blazing (tripping) on rock music and smoke machines. The night was full of gay guys that were tripping on young girls that were throwing away their lives with the way they dress, dance and act. There were also old men that were trying to get our attention by grabbing Mandy’s bottom, cat scratching my arm, and trying to keep eye contact with Sabrina just so we could dance with him. This night was way too much for us so we called it a night and went to go sleep in our own beds with no old men!
Saturday on the other hand was never planned at all. I was joined by Mandy, Sabrina, and Caroline who was found and pronounced alive! ;) Caroline felt so at home at O’Brian’s Pub that she was making friends with a complete stranger who in the end stole my handbag with all my belongings in it still. Thanks to Mandy, who remembered that she saw the theif outside his vehicle earlier the night. So Mandy and Caroline went to go have a look inside his car and see if he had taken my handbag or not, while I stood freaking out inside O'Brian's downing shooters. They had called me to come make sure if it was my handbag that was on the front seat, and it was. Myself, Caroline and the car guard was ready to bust open the window but Mandy went to go call the thief from inside the pub to open up the door and that is where the fun all happened. What I love about Uitenhage is that though it is a small town, when you need help to sort someone out there will always be someone to do that at the right place and time. I say this because I would like to thank the person whoever you are who had kicked the famous thief of the evening a few good times. Well, after getting my handbag back I was as sober as a priest himself. Not long after new drinks and shooters, we all consumed too much “chicken wings” (alcohol), that the rest of the night is a complete blur still today. What I do want to say is the fact that the diet was out the window very soon when the Red Heart came to the party.
All I do remember is that Sabrina and Caroline had a garage pie and there were “Sweet Chili Doritos” all over the back seat of our famous red wheels the next morning. There were glasses and bottles full of alcohol that helped for the next morning before work. Yes, we died a million deaths until it was time to catch up on sleep after work.
This was one weekend that had too many incidents to mention but it was one to remember. Join us next week at the Montana Restaurant and Bar Hawaiian Cocktail Party which is going to be better than the last.

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