Tuesday 18 October 2011


This past week and weekend was one hectic one but we had thankfully survived and that is what is important. Mandy, Caroline, Sabrina and I had nights at the Rose and Shamrock, 7de Laan Karaoke, German Club Expo, Rockland’s, Area 51, and Montana. We had concluded that the number of days in a week should be increased because there are too little for us. Most of these nights well all of them included alcohol and friends whom for the next week I won’t be seeing because of the fact that antibiotics and alcohol do not mix!
During this week I had my first beer at the German Club Expo which was in Port Elizabeth. We had missed the Expo itself but we had to stay for a few drinks because we had not come here for nothing, right? At the end of the night we had ended up driving circles around the Rose and Shamrock and had hooted all the people outside just for the fun of it.
We had become regulars at the 7de Laan Karaoke nights, which are presented by the one and only, Angel. He is known for his famous chicken dance and wood eye. In addition to the laughs intended for Angel, the Leeuloop song will never be the same thanks to another friend of ours, Ned who had given us our own strip show.
One of the nights was spent at Montana Restaurant and bar. There isn’t much that I could say about this night because after my few shots of Stroh Rum, I had suffered from memory loss. I had woken up the next morning with my hand in a packet of Salt and Vinegar Simba Chips and a head ache to add.
Me and my awesome friends who has made my past week the best one to remember had even gotten lost in Rockland’s. We had listened to our dear Caroline and took the wrong turn. We had decided to give up driving after our alcohol had finished and then decided to party in the middle of the road which was in the middle of nowhere. We had tried to turn back after an hour of sitting in the road but it had taken us another hour to just get back into Uitenhage and to decide where to next.
This past week was spent with many old and new friends, South African barbeques, and alcohol but what I have realized is that I have the best of friends that no one can take away from me even if they wanted to but thank you guys for the good times and then other times when we want to kill eachother. They have been the best. I truly love you all.

Monday 10 October 2011


This week coming I am on an alcohol detox thanks to my four days of continuous drinking. Yes I had celebrated my birthday properly. I am not proud to say that I was drunk for four nights in a row, but it is your birthday only once a year and it was my last year of turning a teenager. I had even attempted to work in my drunken state and yes it was all thanks to my beloved friends.
So let us start at the beginning, Thursday night was full of birthday sweet and sour concoctions for example the worst one was a mixture of Libido, Omeca Gold, Russian Bear Vodka, and Caramel LA Vodka. My throat felt like sand paper after I got this mixture down. My night had ended well with myself crawling in to bed after 1am. For once, I couldn’t blame Mandy, Caroline or Sabrina but rather two of my other friends who had spoilt me a bit, Daniel and Scott.
Friday night on the other hand was not planned at all. Well let me rephrase that, I didn’t plan to have so many Tequilas. This night reminded me of the old times when Mandy, Caroline, Sabrina and I would spontaneously decide to have one drink which ends up being about 10. The four of us were having our normal fun while laughing at each other and deciding who was the drunkest among us. This competition was won by Mandy, hands down. Mandy wouldn’t remember much because she was more interested on the laser lights and smoke machine. After a while Caroline and Mandy had decided to go home, but Sabrina and I were on a roll again. The two of us were sipping our alcohol through a straw while our heads were banging like Sabrina kept telling me the whole night. I woke up Saturday morning with the shouts of Springbok fans and a Savannah bottle next to me while Mandy had an Oreo in hers.
Saturday was one long head aching day for us all. Saturday night though I was accompanied by Mandy, Daniel, Etienne and a close friend of mine Timothy. He was asked by my dear mother herself to look after me which I must say he did, especially when he, Mandy and Daniel dragged me out of a car window to have more shooters. The night was filled with alcohol over my new boots thanks to Etienne, ridiculous photographs thanks to myself, dancing thanks to complete strangers and shooters thanks to people who thought they knew me and who can’t forget the proposals I got from married men which was just disgusting. Uitenhage is one hectic town which will never change.
Which is the reason why Mandy and I had gone to Despatch on Sunday morning at 9am. I must just inform you all that when she had fetched me I had just gotten 3 hours of sleep which meant that I was still under the influence and the 2 bottles of red wine didn’t help much either. We had spent our day watching baseball, which was very entertaining. Yes, I never knew that Despatch had a baseball club either.
This weekend was one to remember, thank you to those that spent it with me. I really appreciate it.

Monday 19 September 2011


This weekend brought way too much liver damage than as planned thanks to Hot Sex, Apple Sours, Poison Dwarfs, and Yollie Surprises. Please the Hot Sex is a liqueur for those that don’t know I was not referring to real sex, don’t get me wrong.
Well, Friday night was spent at Montana Hawaiian Cocktail Party and it wasn’t too bad considering the whole of Uitenhage being squashed into one building. Mandy and Caroline had joined me after I had way too many shooters. Sabrina had joined the three of us after her night shift but had not joined us for long. In fact she is becoming the one between us all that is diligent in her work, studies and her boyfriend.
Our venue had changed when I had left my date at Montana just to join my friends. Two friends that had joined us that you might not know are Riaan and Etienne. The two of them, Mandy, Caroline and I had drink after drink and most of the conversation can’t be remembered but none of us could figure out if we were either Arthur or Martha. Soon it was just me, Mandy and Caroline including a whole lot of old people and okay there were a few cute young guys. At the end of the night my feet were full of cuts and pains after my episode on the dance floor in heels which I never wear a lot. Mandy is the one that wears the heels to show she can sometimes be a lady. ;)
On the other hand Saturday was full of cream soda and Panado’s just to get rid of our headaches which we all suffered from the next morning. I was given a wakeup call though when Etienne asked for an apology for what happened the previous night. For some reason I was thinking of all the possibilities of what could have happened, but he was just excusing himself for the kiss he gave me on my head. So I was relieved that for once I behaved myself which normally doesn’t happen.
Saturday night however was spent without my partners in crime. We had all done our own thing for the night. Mandy was spending her night in Darryl’s company. Sabrina was with Etienne and her boyfriend. Caroline was down town with her friends and family until five the next morning. I on the other hand had decided to go to Despatch to a collogue of mine Yvonne. What a night! We had nine liters of wine between about three of us and the night had involved way too many photographs. Photographs taken with birds, flowers, pool sticks and we can’t forget the famous heart.
The next morning though my mouth was full of sweets for some reason that must have cost five cents because they were so disgusting. Instead Sabrina and Mandy had shooters in their mouths while watching our sexy Springboks in New Zealand, 9 o clock in the morning may I add.
I don’t remember much about our weekends I do apologize but this weekend is going to be more hectic than before because of the fact that it is my birthday party, which is going to be my last as a teen.
So join us.

Monday 12 September 2011


Our weekend adventure started off with laughs when Mandy, Sabrina and I went to go support the Guido’s Restaurant staff, who decided to come dressed up for Spring Day. They came to work for the night in pajamas, gowns and slippers. It was hilarious to see grown men in their mommy’s pink silk dresses and tight fitting tops.
After the laughs, I had consumed again too many doubles by myself because wait for it, Mandy and Sabrina was on a diet and could not let their lips touch alcohol. It wasn’t too long before they had turned to whiskey and water because they couldn't help themselves. That night we were all blazing (tripping) on rock music and smoke machines. The night was full of gay guys that were tripping on young girls that were throwing away their lives with the way they dress, dance and act. There were also old men that were trying to get our attention by grabbing Mandy’s bottom, cat scratching my arm, and trying to keep eye contact with Sabrina just so we could dance with him. This night was way too much for us so we called it a night and went to go sleep in our own beds with no old men!
Saturday on the other hand was never planned at all. I was joined by Mandy, Sabrina, and Caroline who was found and pronounced alive! ;) Caroline felt so at home at O’Brian’s Pub that she was making friends with a complete stranger who in the end stole my handbag with all my belongings in it still. Thanks to Mandy, who remembered that she saw the theif outside his vehicle earlier the night. So Mandy and Caroline went to go have a look inside his car and see if he had taken my handbag or not, while I stood freaking out inside O'Brian's downing shooters. They had called me to come make sure if it was my handbag that was on the front seat, and it was. Myself, Caroline and the car guard was ready to bust open the window but Mandy went to go call the thief from inside the pub to open up the door and that is where the fun all happened. What I love about Uitenhage is that though it is a small town, when you need help to sort someone out there will always be someone to do that at the right place and time. I say this because I would like to thank the person whoever you are who had kicked the famous thief of the evening a few good times. Well, after getting my handbag back I was as sober as a priest himself. Not long after new drinks and shooters, we all consumed too much “chicken wings” (alcohol), that the rest of the night is a complete blur still today. What I do want to say is the fact that the diet was out the window very soon when the Red Heart came to the party.
All I do remember is that Sabrina and Caroline had a garage pie and there were “Sweet Chili Doritos” all over the back seat of our famous red wheels the next morning. There were glasses and bottles full of alcohol that helped for the next morning before work. Yes, we died a million deaths until it was time to catch up on sleep after work.
This was one weekend that had too many incidents to mention but it was one to remember. Join us next week at the Montana Restaurant and Bar Hawaiian Cocktail Party which is going to be better than the last.

Monday 5 September 2011


What do you get when you mix a huge consumption of alcohol, Afrikaans music, and crazy friends? A good time of cause! That is exactly what this we experienced this past weekend.
For this edition of my blog I need to introduce two male friends of mine who had joined Mandy, Sabrina and me on our hectic night. Sadly, Caroline had not joined us again this weekend because of the fact that she got stranded in Cape Town and has no way back to Uitenhage for some reason, but we expect her to be back in action this week coming. Anyway back to the friends that I want you to meet, their names are Mitch and Darryl. They were initially Mandy’s friends but over some time they have become mutual friends with us all, Mitch and Darryl are seriously just the male versions of Sabrina and Mandy. There are so many similarities between them it’s often scary.
It had been Darryl’s birthday so all five of us decided to party together to celebrate his birthday by crashing the Brandwag high school 2001 reunion.For the first time Mandy had not done anything embarrassing which normally never happens, but I can’t say the same for me and Sabrina. We had consumed so many Ponchos and Tequila which was poured halfway (meaning that we shared most of them amongst us) that I can’t understand how we had survived the night. If I remember correctly Sabrina and I had organized ourselves our own dancing partners for the night. Her dance partner was an old business economics teacher of hers while she was in high school. The only difference with me was that I didn’t know my dancing partner until the next morning when Darryl had told me what his name was. We had only realized the intensity of our drunkenness the minute we got into the famous red wheels because none of us can remember what had happened the rest of the night.
The next day was full of surprises for example we had found R110 under the car seat and another R50 in the ashtray which got missing the night before.  It was so comical for us all because Sabrina and I were positive that Mandy used all the money that was left after she had dropped Sabrina and me at home but in fact she had not. That did not mean she had not gone out after though, because the next morning she got reminded by a video that was taken that she was singing karaoke to the Parlotones song Push me to the Floor at a local pub in Uitenhage.  If it wasn’t for the video she admits that she wouldn’t have known that she was there at all. So in fact Mandy had her embarrassing incident for the night, just when Sabrina and I weren’t there that’s all.
Stay tuned for next week’s edition. We going to Foxy Roxy Club and O’brians pub which is the most common places in Uitenhage but it can only be fun.

Monday 29 August 2011



As most of you all know the Eastern Cape was recognized two weekends ago, all thanks to the final match between South Africa and New Zealand that was held in Port Elizabeth at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium. Mandy, Sabrina and I never get an opportunity like this very often, so me and my good friends whom I introduced to you all in my previous blog used this occasion as an excuse to have a good time. I do know I speak under correction because of the fact that we never need a reason to enjoy ourselves. ;)
I would like to say beforehand that our dear friend Caroline had decided not to join us this week at all. In fact we have not heard or seen her for the past week. We have sent out a search for her but have not yet found her. We are concerned but I should inform you that this does happen occasionally.
Back to our eventful night, I do need to say that Mandy was the lucky one between us all that got the chance to meet the famous and of cause sexy All Blacks. She was the team’s hostess while they stayed at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Port Elizabeth. She had become so close with the players that she had even wore black and white on the night of the match, but Mandy had decided to turn to tequila when the Springboks showed the All Blacks who was boss. On the other hand, myself and Sabrina were behind our country hundred percent. I had decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and showed up to our local bar wearing my green and gold jersey, which ended up being covered with whisky for some mysterious reason and needed a good wash the next morning. None the less, the evening had been filled with free drinks and shooters which brought a free hangover the next morning too.
Every night in Uitenhage has its own surprises and this night in particular myself and Sabrina had never thought we would be walking at 23:00 around the block. Yes, you had read correctly. This incident started out with a small argument between Mandy and Sabrina in our famous red wheels. I have no idea to this day what the argument was about because I was busy taking unforgettable photographs of the stars. Sabrina and I thought that we were simply changing our venue for the night, but Mandy had not been thinking the same. All of a sudden Mandy had road off and left Sabrina and I in Alwyn Drive in the Fairbridge Heights area. She had not returned but before you all get worried, it was not long after our walk around the block and millions of photographs of the dark road that one of our mutual friends had come to save me and Sabrina.
Mandy was reminded the next morning about the argument but she had no idea concerning her leaving us stranded in Alwyn Drive. In her defense I would like to make it knowledge to everyone that she was meant to be at work in less than five hours when she had forsaken the two of us. So we all have forgiven and forgotten but this incident will be one to tell our grandchildren about one day.
Thanks to everyone that made this night one to remember. We got next weekend to do it again,where we will be visiting the Brandwag Highschool Reunion 2001, but please this time can I not wake up with blood behind my ear. :)
So chat soon again…